Event Registration

Program Evaluation Through An Equity & Social Justice Lens
01/29/2025 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM PT


  • Free  -  CNL Member Rate
  • Free  -  Non-Member


Via Zoom

Individual Event Registration Form

Are You a CNL Member? If you're an Individual or a Organizational Member of the CNL, you must log in to access your discounts.

Please click here to login. Forgot your username and password? Please click here to request that information. For help registering please call (805) 493-3740, or email nonprofit@callutheran.edu.

The form below is for individuals (registering outside of an organizational team) who are not-yet members seeking to register for our workshop. Interested in becoming an CNL member? Did you know we offer individual memberships that offer you free or discounted access to workshops and events? Join the CNL Membership Community HERE and access this event at a free or discounted rate!


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